Did you manage catch Midnight in Paris while it was showing at the Cathay Picturehouse last month?
An American romantic comedy-fantasy film produced by Woody Allen, this delightful gem not only features a star-studded cast (Owen Wilson, Rachel McAdams, Adrien Brody, and so on) – but also some of the greatest literary and artistic stars of history. The Rotten Tomatoes community certified it “Fresh” with a whopping 93% rating!
If you are familiar with renowed historical characters such as Ernest Hemingway, Gertrude Stein and Cole Porter, you’d absolutely love this film as much as we did. It’s a light-hearted and whimsical tale about how the protagonist – an American screenwriter, Gil, who visits Paris with his fiancée and her family – discovers a way to travel back in time to the 1920s, an era that he admires and idolizes. Even Pablo Piccaso is part of the storyline; and more importantly… Adrien Brody starring as Salvadore Dali!
sculpture, the Rhinoceros Dressed in Lace (produced using the lost wax
technique), is currently located at our Gallery in Pavilion KL.
We hope you had a fun and restful weekend, and wish you a happy Monday!
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