Friday, March 2, 2012

Buy Salvador Dali Paintings

Salvador Dali was a very famous painter, writer, sculptor and experimental film-maker. He lived from 1904 to 1989 and is known to be one of the greatest surrealist artists. His works use bizarre and dramatic imagery to create unique and unforgettable pictures of his inner world. His works are highly prized but they have also been highly copied. So here are some suggestions if you want to buy Salvador Dali paintings.
Dali produced works in a variety of mediums (formats) such as lithographs, paintings, sketches and sculptures. He also dabbled in film work too. He is likely one of the most creative and ecentric personalities of modern times. Th3 appeal of his works range from the young to the senior crowd. His depth of artistic abilities and uniqueness set him apart in the art world.

So let's get back to talking about his paintings for those interested in acquiring some of the master's works.
Since paintings are highly prized and can be very expensive, it is important to take great care in purchasing an authentic Dali painting to ensure that you are receiving the real deal and not a copy.
It is recommended that you work with authorized and reputable art galleries and dealers. They can provide the services necessary to inspect the painting to assess and assure its authenticity. These outlets also normally have paperwork and other documentation which shows the history of the painting and how it came to be in their possession.
One of the best sources to assure authenticity is to work with The Salvador Dali Society. One of the key benefits of working with them is to utilize their bulletproof authentication.
Many galleries will provide you with a certificate of authenticity. This certificate looks very official and legitimate. However most of these certificates are issued by the gallery itself and may represent a conflict of interest.
The Salvador Dali society believes that a certificate of authenticity should be backed by a third party expert. In this case the works are authenticated by an individual who is a recognized expert in Salvador Dali works and has devoted a good deal of his career to this particular artist.
This expert has examined thousands of Dali works and has achieved enviable status among his peers. There are only a small handful of individuals qualified to be recognized as experts in this field.
The experts associated with Bulletproof Authentication from the Salvador Dali Society are widely recognized as the best qualified individuals to examine and authenticate these paintings.

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