Sunday, February 19, 2012

What Are Normal Blood Sugar Ranges?

Normal vibram flow ranges are very important information which helps identify whether the body is able to utilize glucose or you have diabetes mellitus. Blood sugar refers to the amount of glucose present in blood circulation. Knowing the normal blood sugar ranges is very important for diabetics and those individuals identified to have a family history of diabetes. Normal blood sugar ranges differ based what kind of glucose test is performed. The list below includes several tests on blood sugar levels and their corresponding normal blood sugar ranges.

Glucometer test: 70-135 mg/dl (milligram per deciliter)
Glucometer is a portable device that measure blood sugar levels at any given time, no fasting required. The test is done by drawing a small blood sample, usually obtained from pricking the finger, into a strip that is being inserted to the device for testing.

Fasting Blood Sugar Test: 70-100 mg/dl
Fasting blood sugar refers to the amount of glucose present in the blood after restriction of food intake for at least 8 hours. Blood sugar below 70 is referred to as hypoglycemia while blood sugar above 100 for this test is considered as hyperglycemia.
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Postprandial Blood Sugar Test: 100-120 mg/dl
Postprandial means after meals. Regardless of the kind of food taken during meals, normal blood sugar is below 120 mg/dl one hour after the meal. Normal blood sugar goes down to below 100 mg/dl two hours after eating.

Oral Glucose Tolerance Test: Less than 140 mg/dl
Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) is one of the definitive tests for diabetes. Before the test is done, the patient is required to do fasting for at least 8 hours. Then, the patient needs to drink a 75 ml glucose solution.  Blood is drawn from the patient one hour and two hours after completely taking the sugar-rich beverage.
  -  After 1 hour: Below 200 mg/dl
  -  After 2 hours: Below 140 mg/dl

If after two hours, blood sugar levels remain between 140-200 mg/dl, it is an indication of impaired glucose tolerance or pre-diabetes. A patient will be considered a diabetic if his blood sugar level is still above 200 mg/dl after two hours.

A1c: 4.6% - 5.4%
A1c is a test that measures the average blood sugar level for the past two to three months. An average of 5.1% in this test corresponds to 100 mg/dl.

A very important aspect of diabetes is prevention. Knowing the vital information of the normal blood sugar ranges help identify who are at risk of having diabetes before it occurs. For diabetics, this information will help them identify when their blood sugar are reaching dangerous levels. Also, they will know the blood sugar level that they should maintain in order to prevent the mortality and morbidity associated with diabetes.

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